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Master Type 1 Diabetes is a must read to get off the blood sugar rollercoaster and enjoy a healthy life. Written by Keith R. Runyan, MD, an internal medicine physician and nephrologist who has had type 1 diabetes since 1998, Master Type 1 Diabetes, describes a simple, low-cost, method to normalize blood sugars; the only effective way to prevent or reverse diabetic complications and make low blood sugars rare events. Dr. Runyan discovered his method by applying knowledge from the medical literature and self-experimentation and explains step-by-step how you can accomplish your blood sugar goals. Achieving normal blood sugars with type 1 diabetes is truly life-changing. Imagine the relief of not having to worry about the next embarrassing, unpleasant, and life-threatening low blood sugar. Image not having to worry about going blind, having your leg amputated, starting on dialysis, or dying at a young age from heart disease, all of which can occur with poorly-controlled diabetes. Updated in 2022, Master Type 1 Diabetes, has the information you need to change your life for the better and will pay for itself hundreds of times over in the cost-savings that result from reduced insulin doses and medical expenses.

Conquer Type 2 Diabetes with a Ketogenic Diet ebook provides the practical information you need to implement the diet while managing insulin and diabetic medication needs. Coauthored with Ellen Davis, MS of the website, the book contains over 200 pages of referenced, applicable information on getting off the blood sugar roller coaster, lowering or eliminating the need for insulin and oral medications, lowering HbA1c test results, and avoiding hypoglycemia and diabetic complications.

I used the following books early on in starting my ketogenic low carbohydrate high fat diet for type 1 diabetes.

Dr Bernstein's Diabetes Solution Cover           The New Atkin's For A New You Cover 

The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living Cover         The Art and Science of Low Carb Performance Cover

I also recommend the following two books by Dr. Tim Noakes that both describe the scientific evidence for and the practical food recommendations for healthy living for adults (The Real Meal Revolution) and infants and children (Real Meal Revolution: Raising SuperHeros).